Brake Environmental Certification

Information and resources for the general public.

Automotive Manufacturers Equipment Compliance Agency (AMECA) serves as a registrar for the automotive industry to certify their compliance with the environmental regulations of California and with Washington State’s Better Brakes Laws.

This page is to assist the general public in quickly finding information and resources. We offer an FAQ that covers all of the basics and encourage you to start there. We will periodically update the FAQ document with the most recent information, revisions, and changes as we seek to meet our commitment to inform the general public about our programs and brake environmental certification in general. We also have a link below to our AMECA Web Portal which you can click on and then select “Public Materials Listing” to search our database for a particular manufacturer or edge code. To learn more about those, please refer to the FAQ first.


Download our FAQ document with the most recent information, revisions, and changes.

AMECA Web Portal

Click below, then select “Public Materials Listing” to search our database for a particular manufacturer or edge code.

Having trouble accessing the web portal? click here

Further Information

Visit our Brake Environmental Certification landing page for manufacturers. We have a more expansive FAQ available there.

Contact us with more questions or feedback.


AMECA serves the motoring public, state police and motor vehicle administrations to help prevent accidents due to substandard equipment.

AMECA has Automotive Parts Certification for the Insurance Industry. Over 80% of consumers surveyed prefer independent certification.

The international “List of Acceptable Plastics for Optical Lenses and Reflectors Used on Motor Vehicles” is also maintained by AMECA.

Many state laws regulating automotive safety equipment were promulgated by the Commission of the Vehicle Equipment Safety.